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By Savitri Devi

Now in Paperback!

Edited by R. G. Fowler

Published by the Savitri Devi Archive

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Edited by R. G. Fowler

A new edition of 200 numbered, clothbound copies published by the Savitri Devi Archive

Russian Translation!

Время Кали
(Kali Yuga - an anthology of Savitri Devi’s writings, including excerpts from The Lightning and the Sun, Gold in the Furnace, Pilgrimage, and Souvenirs)

Available from white-society.org

French Translation!

Autobiographie d’une Hitlérienne
(And Time Rolls On: The Savitri Devi Interviews)

Available from Librad.com

Greek Translation!

Η κόρη του ήλιου
(Daughter of the Sun - an anthology of Savitri Devi’s writings, including excerpts from The Lightning and the Sun, Pilgrimage, A Son of God/Son of the Sun, Impeachment of Man, and A Warning to the Hindus)

Available from http://www.logxi.com/

French Translation!

Les Indiens non-hindous et l'unité indienne
(The Non-Hindu Indians and Indian Unity)

Available from Librad.com

Now in Paperback!

Edited by R. G. Fowler

Published by the Savitri Devi Archive

Sold Out!

Edited by R. G. Fowler

A new edition of 200 numbered, clothbound copies published by the Savitri Devi Archive

Now Available in Paperback!

And Time Rolls On:
The Savitri Devi Interviews

Edited by R. G. Fowler

Available from Black Sun Publications

Der Lotosteich
(L’Etang aux Lotus in German)

Available from Regin-Verlag

Un avertissement aux Hindous
(A Warning to the Hindus)

Available from Librad.com

The Lightning and the Sun
(Abridged by two-thirds by William L. Pierce)

Available from National Vanguard Books

Words by Savitri Devi
Music by Dan Houser

Available from National Vanguard Books

Impeachment of Man

Available from Noontide Press

Available from Amazon.com

Available from Amazon.com

L’Etang aux Lotus
(The Lotus Pond)

Available from Librad.com

(Chapters 1-6 of Souvenirs et réflexions d’une Aryenne [Memories and Reflections of an Aryan Woman] in Spanish)

No Longer Available

(Chapter 10 of Souvenirs et réflexions d’une Aryenne, “L’ésotérisme hitlérien et la Tradition” [“Hitlerian Esotericism and the Tradition.”] and other texts)

Available from Librad.com

(Chapter 10 of Souvenirs et réflexions d'une Aryenne, “L’ésotérisme hitlérien et la Tradition” [“Hitlerian Esotericism and the Tradition”] in Italian)

Available from Librad.com

(The other texts are “Shinto, la voie des dieux” and “Après le déluge—nous!”)

Available from Librad.com


About Savitri Devi

Junges forum Nr. 5:
100 Jahre Savitri Devi

Authors: D. A. R. Sokoll (Hrsg.), Savitri Devi, G. Schrader, M. Gantry; Greg Johnson

Sold Out!

by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke

Available from Amazon.com

Savitri Devi, la prêtresse d’Hitler
(Hitler’s Priestess in French)

by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke

Available from Librad.com

La sacerdotessa di Hitler.
Savitri Devi, il mito indù-ariano e il neonazismo

(Hitler’s Priestess in Italian)

by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke

Available from Librad.com

by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke

Available from Amazon.com

by Koenraad Elst

Available from Indiaclub.com

Contains article on Savitri by Henry Durrant
“A la recherche du dernier avatar”
[“In Search of the Last Avatar”]

Available from Librad.com